Ferry in Costa Rica

Move about your different destinations by sailing on boat or ferry through the amazing coasts of Costa Rica

You can travel from Puntarenas to Naranjo and Paquera (in Nicoya) by ferry or by using a rent car. There are also water taxis, small boats, with which you can move between Puntarenas and Paqueras, Jacó and Montezuma, Sierpe and Drake Bay, along the Tortuguero Canal and the Golfo Dulce.

Ticket price for adults to go by ferry is about 800 colones (£1), per children 450 colones (£ 0.65) while shipping a car is about 17,000 colones (£24) and a bike, 2,000 colones (£2.85).

Besides, there is a wide range of excursions, which you can hire in order to visit many rivers, canals and swamps in Costa Rica.


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