
Flag of Costa Rica

Get more information about Costa Rica’s flag, discover its inspiration, origins, colours and significance

Flag of Costa Rica
Flag of Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s flag has its origins on September 24, 1848 when it was believed that Pacífica Fernández Oreamuno, the wife of Costa Rica’s first president, designed it.

It is inspired by France’s flag and it has three colours: in the middle, there is a red strip between two white ones, and following the white stripes there are two blue strips. The width of each strip is the sixth part of the flag’s width, except for the red strip that is the double.  

Its colours have an intentional symbolism, the red colour represents the love for life, Costa Ricans’ bloodshed for liberty and their generous attitude; the blue colour represents Costa Rica’s sky and the perseverance to achieve their goals as well as their religious ideals; finally, the white colour represents the country’s peace.

The Costa Rican flag was first raised on the November 12, 1848 in San José’s main square.

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